
Vanguard UK Advisers

Understanding investors’ ESG goals

Investors interested in environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing have a rapidly growing range of products to choose from, with the number available in the UK more than doubling over the past five years. With this expanding universe comes a growing need for advice on ESG options, with the topic coming up in roughly one in five conversations with advisers. There are many different ways to reflect ESG considerations through investment products and processes. These range from stewardship (the promotion of effective company governance through activities such as engagement and voting) and ESG integration (the inclusion of material ESG information…
May 22, 2022
The National Law Review

SEC Climate and ESG Task Force Issues its first enforcement action

The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) brought a 76-page complaint in federal district court against Vale, S.A., a Brazilian mining company, alleging that Vale “ma false and misleading claims about the safety of its dams.”  Significantly, Vale “regularly misled local governments, communities, and investors about the safety of the Brumadinho dam through its environmental, social, and governance (ESG) disclosures.”    
May 7, 2022
Alex Hindson

Looking at ESG through a risk management lens

Environmental, Social and Governance, or “ESG” risks are amongst the most topical and widely discussed within any organization’s risk profile currently. A significant focus has been placed by governments and regulators on climate change risk, but the scope of ESG risks faced by most organizations are much broader and more complex than that. How do these ESG risks differ from any other enterprise risks? They have several interesting facets: The perception of the risk issues may vary significantly for different stakeholdersShareholders and Non-Governmental Organizations (“NGOs”) may perceive new products in quite different waysThe nature of the risks are changing quite…
February 21, 2022
Alex Hindson

“Oversight of Purpose” – how to set-up governance over ESG?

As the pressure increases on boards to demonstrating they are taking the sustainability challenges facing their organizations seriously, minds are turning to how ESG-matters (Environmental, Social, Governance) should be overseen and governance over ESG itself administered. This is particularly relevant considering the increasing focus of stakeholders on the alignment of ESG strategies with organizations’ purpose and mission. It is true to say that stakeholders are increasingly concerned regarding ‘greenwashing’ claims and are looking for authenticity in this alignment. Like with most aspects of setting an ESG strategy, context is everything. What kind of organization are we dealing with, what sector…
February 7, 2022
ESG Foundation

Change The Race Ratio signs up 100th signatory Momentum continues to build around Change the Race Ratio – a campaign aimed at increasing racial and ethnic participation in business – with a total of 100 firms now signed up since the campaign launched on 1 October 2020. Latest campaign signatories include BAE Systems, Bolton Associates, Britvic, First Group, Mace Group, Miles Advisory, Paysafe and Sage. Lord Karan Bilimoria CBE DL, CBI President, said: “We can and must vastly improve racial and ethnic diversity in business. Not only is it a vital step towards giving more people the chance to succeed and making society more inclusive; the business case is also…
February 7, 2022
Ella McCaffrey, Graduate Intern - Researcher, ESG Foundation

‘Gender Lens’ investing: implications for ESG reporting

Gender Lens investing (GLI) considers how investment capital can be used to have a positive impact on the lives of women and girls. The term was coined by Joy Anderson (Criterion Institute) and Jackie VanderBrug (US Trust, previously at Criterion) in 2009, but the concept has been influenced by many women and men across the financial sphere.  GLI is coming into sharper focus as Environmental and Social Governance (ESG) reporting becomes more prominent. Suzanne Biegel, a senior advisor at the Criterion institute, explains the 4 different dimensions of gender lens investing. Investments increase access to capital for female entrepreneurs and…
January 31, 2022
Ahila Ganesan, Founder and Director at Future LinQ

Striving for an ESG Competent Board of Directors

There is mounting pressure for organisations to actively integrate environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues into their organisation strategy. Board of Directors across nearly every industry are expected to be competent in navigating the headwinds of ESG. Yet many companies’ board and executive leaders are still unsure on how to approach ESG and manage the communications with their stakeholders.
January 21, 2022

The ESG Podcast