
Edward Sell, ESG Foundation

Why ESG Investors Should Think Twice about Bitcoin

Over the past several years, the collective recognition of corporate investment’s impact on our environment, society, and governance (ESG) has gained remarkable traction. Yet, as cryptocurrencies like bitcoin come to the fore with equal momentum, ESG investors must first attempt to reconcile its economic appeal with its disastrous externalities.
February 17, 2021
Well Intelligence blog

Is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia heading for a revolution in the name of advantage, citizen liberation and tourism appeal?

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) is changing. Many facts can be quoted that suggest that to be true but will the rise in consumer consciousness direct the depth of change or might the Kingdom underestimate consumer shift? There is small progress together with grand proclamation to either be taken seriously or dismissed as an opaque veneer in the ‘new’ Saudi Arabia.
February 10, 2021

The ESG Podcast